A sleek, portable tube of fabulously rich moisture...made for your lips! It comes in an easy-to-open oval tube that fits in the smallest pocket. It also comes shrink wrapped for your protection. Oh! and it's made from all-natural products! There’s really no color that shows up, and is perfect for keeping your lips healthy under your mask! And!! I take the time to individually shrink wrap each tube to insure your safety!!
I confess, I am a lip balm-aholic! No telling how much money I've wasted on lip balm over the years. So, I started playing, and came up with a recipe that I love every time! And, now, you can have some, too!
Paraben-free!! All-natural!!
You can use all you want with no ill effects!
Ingredients: beeswax, olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, shea butter, colorant,and essential oil.