A culmination of lots of trial and error and lots of research, this product is fabulous! Our bodies need to sweat. This all-natural (as always) product allows that natural process, but lets you maintain your social position! :) No odors! It's made of completely natural products to give you safe odor protection. I make all these lovely natural products in small batches in my home. I use the highest quality ingredients available to me. You need to give this one a try. One stick will last you approximately 4-5 weeks! This handmade deodorant gives you safe protection from odor throughout your entire day!
Your body has many wonderful, built-in mechanisms for ridding itself of toxins. One of those is sweating. This gentle, all-natural, artisan product will protect you from odors while allowing your body to do its work (in other words, it does NOT keep you from sweating!). Every ingredient in this deodorant is fully natural and completely safe.
From the moisture-wicking arrowroot powder to the deodorizing qualities of baking soda to the antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral properties of tea tree oil, this deodorant will keep you fresh all day! And, its nice fresh fragrance will keep you smelling clean all day, with no stickiness and no greasiness.
AND! It's great for travel!